Wednesday, May 10, 2023

Why do you need Search Engine Optimization (SEO)?

search engine optimization
Designed by Giulia Forsythe

Search engine optimization (SEO) describes a series of techniques, that lets a website rank higher in popular search engines like Google, Bing or Yahoo! - the goal is, to place the specific content on the first page oft the search engine results pages (SERPs). This can - and most often will - result in an increase in traffic to said website.

Most often, the results pages contain ads at the top of the page. These paid advertisements are an integral component of search engine advertising (SEA) and not part of the organic search results. Traffic, which is generated over SEO, is most often described as organic traffic. In this case, users tend to find the website and its content through typing keywords into a search engine like Google. These companies use a complex algorithm, which determines what websites will show up for an organic query.

Every website profits from SEO

Search is one of the most utilized ways for navigating the internet. The search results are presented as a list - the higher the placement of a website, the more traffic will be generated. Most often, the top-result will receive between 40 and 60 percent of the traffic for a particular query. And just 2 to 3 percent of users will expand their search to the second page of the search results.

This is why even a small improvement in rankings can result in significantly more traffic for a particular website. Especially businesses profit from a higher number of visitors, who can turn into customers and conversions. It's not surprising, that a rising number of companies utilize SEO to manipulate the search results for their benefit.

SEO-Experts enhance the page structure, optimize the website-content and use link-building-strategies to achieve a higher rank for a website. 

D. S.

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